
Monday, September 30, 2019

History, The Bourgeoisie, The Proletariat, and Communism Essay

Karl Marx begins the first chapter of his The Communist Manifesto with the opening line: â€Å"The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles† (ch. 1). Underlying all of history is this fundamental economic theme, that each society has its own economic structure which breeds different classes—â€Å"a manifold gradation of social rank,† he calls it (ch. 1). These classes inevitably becomes in conflict with each other—that because of their economic structure, some class becomes the oppressors while others become the oppressed. He argued that the oppressors and oppressed â€Å"stood in constant opposition to one another†¦ on an uninterrupted†¦ fight†¦ that each time ended, either in a revolutionary re-constitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes† (ch. 1). He described his time as a struggle between two classes: the Bourgeoisie and the Ploretariat. Marx claims that the modern bourgeois society of his time has not helped to remove, although have simplified, clash antagonisms, but had, instead, â€Å"established new classes, new conditions of oppression, [and] new forms of struggle in place of the old ones† (ch. 1). He saw the bourgeoisie as a â€Å"product of a long course of development, of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exchange,† and that each step of its development â€Å"was accompanied by a corresponding political advance† (ch. 1). He claims that the â€Å"executive of the modern State is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie,† that it â€Å"cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society† (ch. 1). He said that it has torn the â€Å"feudal ties that bound men to his ‘natural superiors,’ and has left no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest† (ch. 1). He goes on to explain that the bourgeoisie draws all nation into civilization with all the rapid improvements of production and by the immensely facilitated means of communication. However, he claims that they create â€Å"a world after its own image,† that is, for all nations to adopt the bourgeois mode of production. The bougeiosie, according to Marx, has â€Å"created enormous cities, has greatly increased the urban population as compared with the rural, and has thus rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life† but that it has also â€Å"concentrated property in a few hands† (ch. 1). He argued that â€Å"for many a decade past the history of industry and commerce is but the history of the revolt of modern productive forces against modern conditions of production, against the property relations that are the conditions for the existence of the bourgeoisie and of its rule† (ch. 1). At the end, he states that â€Å"its existence is no longer compatible with society† and is unfit to be the ruling class of society since â€Å"it is incompetent to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery† (ch. 1). The proletarians, on the other hand, are, during Marx’s time, the modern working class—â€Å"a class of labourers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labour increases capital† (Marx ch. 1). Marx claims that the proletarians lost its individual character and charm because of the extensive use of machinery and of the division of labour. They have become an â€Å"appendage of the machines. † He said that lobourers are commodities which are â€Å"expensive to use† but are exploited by the bougeoisie. Marx explains that the proletariat began its struggle as soon as this class was created, at first as an induvidual struggle of the laborer, and later groups of workers. Workers before were still disorganized, divided by goegraphy and by competition with one another. Marx claims that when workers first formed unions, they did so under the influence of the bourgeois and served to further the objectives of the bourgeoisie. The distinction between workers was obliterated due to the wages being reduced to low level. As the proletariat increased in numbers and concentrated in greater mass by forming Trade Unions, they also increased in strenght and local struggles were centralized into one national struggle between classes. Marx further explains that â€Å"the proletariat alone is a really revolutionary class,† that other classes are conservatives or reactionary that fight against the bourgeoisie in order to â€Å"save from extinction their existence as fractions of the middle class† (ch. 1). Because proletarians have nothing of their own to secure, Marx claims that their mission is â€Å"to destroy all previous securities for, and insurances of, individual property† (ch. 1). The proletarian movement, Marx further explains, â€Å"is the self-concious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority† (ch. 1). Marx explains that the Communist Party points out and addresses the common interests of the entire proletariat, in their national struggles in different countries, independent of nationality, and represents the interests of the working class in the various stages of development it has to pass through from the struggle against the bourgeoisie. The Communist Party, therefore, still according to Marx, is the most advanced, resolute section â€Å"of the working-class of every country, that section which pushes forward all others† (ch. 2). It has the same aim as that of all the other proletarian parties, which is to overthrow the bourgeois supremacy and to seek its own political power. Marx goes on to explain that the abolition of existing property relations is not a distinctive feature of Communism, that the feature of Communism is not the abolition of property in general, but the abolition of the bourgeois property, which is, according to him, â€Å"the final and most complete expression of the system of producing and appropriating products† (Marx ch. 2). Simply put, Marx states that Communism is a struggle that aims for the â€Å"abolition of private property. † Communism would like to abolish the conception that the labourer merely lives to increase capital, and is allowed only to live insofar as the interest of the ruling class requires it; that labour is meant to widen, enrich and promote the existence of the labourer is what the Communism is fighting for. Communism is, in a way, a struggle of the lower strata of the society against the upper strata. However, it is not a personal struggle of the poor against the rich, it is a societal and political struggle for equality of appropriation of property. Marx explains that â€Å"Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society; all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labour of others by means of such appropriation† (ch. 2). With its teachings and goals, labour groups and lower working class would have found The Communist Manifesto appealing. The Capitalists, of course, would not have found it appealing, as the manifesto seeks to destroy their current stature and their self-interest would be compromized. On the other hand, Communism would seek to empower labour groups and they would find it all to their advantage to support its cause. The Industrial Revolution has created a majority lower class workers, many of whom lived in poverty under terrible working conditions. The Communist Manifesto calls on all labourers to unite, promising them a better life sprouting from a better world.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Business Law Enron/WorldCom Essay

1. Introduction The goal of a large number of criminal acts is to obtain as much as profit for the individual or group that carries out the act. Just like bribery or robbery, accounting scandals that shock telecommunications industry within the past two years, also have similar intention that is to make money to benefit a person or a group of people through illegal acts while disguising their illegal origin. Concerning the accounting scandals in Enron, in this paper, we will elaborate the story of Enron and World Com scandals discussing how the company’s situation relates to bankruptcy, insurance, and/or employment law. 2. Accounting Scandals Enron, Global-Crossing, and WorldCom recent cases have become a history in finance and telecommunication areas. The history tells us how fragile the monitoring process of the company’s financial system is. The situation leads to accountancy scandals that hurt investors, employees, and the industries. In many reports on Houston Chronicle, we can conclude that the case of Enron emerged as the company and its auditor cooked up the books to show bogus profits. This is done so to attract the public so that they are interested to invest their money during the company’s initial public offering (IPO).   Previously, the company has already performed manipulation of commodity prices in order to obtain huge profits due to unregulated energy derivative market. Moreover, the bankers also join this bogey as they have been giving loans and would like to reduce their risk hoping that Enron would obtain much money from IPO so that Enron can fulfill their obligation to the bank. Therefore, in this accountancy scandals there are at least three actors: the first is Enron, the company that has a pile of debt that was off balance sheet. The second actors are auditors; they acted as consultants that helped the Enron to write a fake figure of the company’s profit in the book. The third actors are bankers that issued good analyst reports for Enron financial performance and acted as underwriter. By doing so, Enron can raise much money to pay their loans to banks and back to the evil business when Enron run out of money again. Amazingly, within three years, the fake report gives Enron over $10 billion of investors’ money. The illegal action like cases of MicroStrategy and Xerox has caused the declining public trust on stock markets and auditors (AFL-CIO, 2007; Turner, 2002). 3. Bankruptcy and Insurance The case of Enron, WorldCom and other accounting scandals still leave public with many questions regarding the way the companies try to recover from the scandals especially when it comes to fair treatment for the hurt employees. The term â€Å"fair† refers to equal treatment for CEO and their workers. Remember the shocking Enron case a few months ago that many of people fail to recognize what went wrong at Enron, an energy-trading giant and once the seventh-largest company in U.S. The lawsuits and official investigations on Enron show that the bankruptcy has sent more than 6,100 of Enron employees into unemployment. In addition, it also causes serious fault at workers’ health care and retirement savings—for many, their life savings—because worker 401(k) plans were halted while the company stock price tumbled (AFL-CIO, 2007). Although the company’s performance went bankrupt, however, the Enron’s executive still obtain bonus checks for more than $55 million, in addition to $50 million in bonuses just weeks earlier. The Enron’s case is one example of increasing â€Å"pay gap† between CEOs and workers (AFL-CIO, 2007). Moreover, she also points out that the Project 911 turned out to give many benefits for Enron’s management instead of giving benefits for workers. In the Project 911, Enron was to pay the company’s executives $105 million worth of bonuses prior to the company’s bankruptcy filing in December 2001 (Steffy, 2005). However, according to the new bankruptcy law, which President Bush signed in April, a company might give their executives excessive compensation in the form of retention bonuses only if they have another job offer. It means that under new law, executives will not be paid to stay until they show proof they intend to leave (Steffy, 2005) The new law had driven the bankruptcy court to approve $38.2 million in additional retention bonuses in 2002 and another $29 million in 2003. The situation soon raises critics since the come with an inherent paradox. At the management level, the company took questioned decision to reward the very few people who drove the company into collapse. In other words, Enron was enticing a failed management to stay (Steffy, 2005). This situation refers to moral crisis since the company was paying attention to bonuses for the company’s executives instead of taking care of their employees. Although the case of Enron has become symbol of wrong model of corporate America, few observers expect it to become a lasting symbol (Ivanovich, 2002). In short, the first thing American companies should do is providing variable compensation scheme in which employees’ benefits will increase as the companies’ benefits increase as well. Therefore, employees will fee fairly treated and in turn increase their motivation. 4. Employment Law The cases on Enron and WorldCom present new atmosphere regarding the employment law since it involves whistle blower, a person who disclose the scandals. Since whistle blowing leads to negative impact for the blower, it is imperative that any person that intends to whistle blowing to do it effectively. Sherron Watkins, the person who discloses the scandals at Enron, is one example of whistle blower. In addition, whistle- blowing also greatly affects the executives of a company who are given information from an employee. In order to protect the whistle blower, Sarbanes-Oxley Act rule out there should be no discrimination against employees who disclose the wrongdoing in a company (Hails, n.d.). Amidst the fierce situation at Enron, Congress is still busy passing new laws in response to the latest news about corporate misdeeds. In fact, this is really not the best solution to the problem of corporate fraud at Enron.    Considering that whistle blowing leads to negative impact for the blower as it happens at Enron case, it is imperative that any person that intends to whistle blowing to do it effectively. Below is guideline that helps an employee to determine whether a situation merits whistle blowing: a) Magnitude of consequences A person intends to conduct whistle blowing consider the impact of a action that he consider as wrongdoing. If only one person will be harmed by an action, it does not call for any whistle blowing action (England, 2007) b) Probability of effect The person must be sure that a wrongdoing happens or will happen that requires for whistle blowing. If he is not sure about the situation, he had better not perform whistle blowing (England, 2007) c) Temporal immediacy The person must think the urgency to whistle blowing. If he considers it is urgent to prevent greater losses, he can conduct whistle blowing immediately (England, 2007) In addition, lots of accounting scandals incidences have driven NYSE to issue new guidelines intended to enhance the accountability and integrity and of NYSE-listed companies by strengthening the corporate governance and disclosure practices of those companies. Harvey Pitt, SEC chairperson, the person behind the birth of the guidelines, asks NYSE to review its corporate governance listing standards. Based on the facts, since most scandals involve insider, therefore senior managers should personally liable for criminal charges and damages. Concerning this issue, congress also has passed the Sarbanes Corporate Accountability Bill that one of its main provisions includes the fact that the chief executive officer and chief financial officer now have to sign off on a company’s financial records and may assume criminal liability if they are wrong. Under such circumstances, in the event that such scandals exist, investors and employees should not bear the responsibility for their own actions. This is because in this developed economy, people from all over the world have been willing to invest in ‘pieces of paper’ because of a basic trust that there are systems in place to make the ‘pieces of paper’ valuable. Therefore, it is the government’s responsibility to maintain people trust to invest in a piece of paper by providing an oversight system that works to protect the investor. Learning from these events, it is government’s responsibility to improve standards, controls and accountabilities. While companies should improve their employees moral in order to prevent any financial scandals in the future. This is imperative since most business schools lack of morality in their curriculum.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Admission to the USC Undergraduate Program

This sport taught me the importance of concentrating on what we do. It also taught me prudence and helped me to achieve a calm mind. I decided to interact more with the world that I live in. Hence, I started to study the various changes taking place in the world. In this study, I came to realize that the multinational corporations had brought about the process of globalization. This process was affecting the whole world and even the US and the European Union had come under its influence. Some of the Asian countries like India and China have been showing extraordinary growth in their economies. These economies were developing at a greater pace than that of any other country. I wanted to participate in these astonishing developments. In order to do so, I made several enquiries and went through the syllabus offered by a number of colleges. My intention was to obtain a thorough knowledge regarding globalization and the economic success of some of the Asian countries. In the course of my search, I found out about the University of Southern California, which had been founded in 1880. This university is a private university, which is the best for research. It has several campuses that are famous their academic excellence (About USC). However, in addition to academic excellence, it also promotes community service programs. This work has been praised widely and its alumni are famous, not only for their academic excellence but also for their contribution to society. Its financial independence ensures that it remains unaffected by governmental policies and political interference (About USC). These facts made me very much interested in pursuing an MBA program in this university. Newton Part My parents left Armenia in the 1970’s, whilst it was under Soviet Rule. Their new home in the US was very hospitable to them. However, they could not attend college, because of their financial commitments. Most of their waking hours were spent in earning sufficient money to meet their expenses. They were always aware of this drawback in their life. As a result, they used to tell me repeatedly, to take my studies seriously. My performance at school was slightly above average. Therefore, I obtained an average high school diploma. My parents were very disappointed with my mediocre performance in school. They told me that I had to improve my performance. One day, while alone with my thoughts, I started thinking about what had happened to my performance in school. I am very good at logical analysis. Therefore, I thought for a long time and realized that if I did not study with greater diligence, I would end up like my parents. The choice before me was to either work hard at my studies or get a very good job or to obtain an ordinary degree and work very hard for the rest of my life, for poor wages. This was a very thought, so I decided to become a very good student in college. On another occasion, during this period, I came across a spider attempting to spin a web. It would try to attach a strand, which would break off. Nevertheless, the spider did not stop its efforts; it patiently and with the same amount of effort, made another attempt. Finally, it succeeded in its hard work. Like Robert Bruce of England, I too realized the value of perseverance. I understood that even if some topic in my studies was difficult to understand, I should keep on trying to understand it. There was another factor that had a strong influence on my attitude towards life. I have a cousin named, Haroutoun Aharonian. He was very good at studies in high school and college. After that he pursued a graduate program in the University of Southern California. He became very good at analyzing stock markets, due to the MBA program that he attended in the University of Southern California’s   Marshall School of Business. One of the largest stock broking firms in Los Angeles has appointed him to a very important post, in their company. The sole reason for this success was the very good teaching standard of that college. This incident taught me that I had to work hard and develop an interest in my chosen field of study. On studying his success story, I decided to follow in his footsteps, and apply for the MBA program in the Marshall School of Business. I want to become an expert in Finance and Business Economics and this school imparts the necessary training and knowledge to achieve this goal. I would also like to keep the choice of joining the Bachelor’s of Arts in Economics. The USC Marshall School of Business offers the latest world class instruction in accounting, finance, entrepreneurship and international business studies (About The Marshall School of Business, 2007). The world has become smaller due to globalization; moreover, some Asian countries are showing highly rapid economic development. Traditional management techniques cannot address these phenomena. It is a course like that provided by the Marshall School of Business, which can properly describe these issues. This is the principal reason for my seeking a transfer to the Marshall School of Business. References About The Marshall School of Business. (2007). Retrieved January 25, 2008, from University of Southern California Marshall School of Business : http://www.marshall.usc.edu/about/ About USC. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2008, from University of Southern California: Admission to the USC Undergraduate Program This sport taught me the importance of concentrating on what we do. It also taught me prudence and helped me to achieve a calm mind. I decided to interact more with the world that I live in. Hence, I started to study the various changes taking place in the world. In this study, I came to realize that the multinational corporations had brought about the process of globalization. This process was affecting the whole world and even the US and the European Union had come under its influence. Some of the Asian countries like India and China have been showing extraordinary growth in their economies. These economies were developing at a greater pace than that of any other country. I wanted to participate in these astonishing developments. In order to do so, I made several enquiries and went through the syllabus offered by a number of colleges. My intention was to obtain a thorough knowledge regarding globalization and the economic success of some of the Asian countries. In the course of my search, I found out about the University of Southern California, which had been founded in 1880. This university is a private university, which is the best for research. It has several campuses that are famous their academic excellence (About USC). However, in addition to academic excellence, it also promotes community service programs. This work has been praised widely and its alumni are famous, not only for their academic excellence but also for their contribution to society. Its financial independence ensures that it remains unaffected by governmental policies and political interference (About USC). These facts made me very much interested in pursuing an MBA program in this university. Newton Part My parents left Armenia in the 1970’s, whilst it was under Soviet Rule. Their new home in the US was very hospitable to them. However, they could not attend college, because of their financial commitments. Most of their waking hours were spent in earning sufficient money to meet their expenses. They were always aware of this drawback in their life. As a result, they used to tell me repeatedly, to take my studies seriously. My performance at school was slightly above average. Therefore, I obtained an average high school diploma. My parents were very disappointed with my mediocre performance in school. They told me that I had to improve my performance. One day, while alone with my thoughts, I started thinking about what had happened to my performance in school. I am very good at logical analysis. Therefore, I thought for a long time and realized that if I did not study with greater diligence, I would end up like my parents. The choice before me was to either work hard at my studies or get a very good job or to obtain an ordinary degree and work very hard for the rest of my life, for poor wages. This was a very thought, so I decided to become a very good student in college. On another occasion, during this period, I came across a spider attempting to spin a web. It would try to attach a strand, which would break off. Nevertheless, the spider did not stop its efforts; it patiently and with the same amount of effort, made another attempt. Finally, it succeeded in its hard work. Like Robert Bruce of England, I too realized the value of perseverance. I understood that even if some topic in my studies was difficult to understand, I should keep on trying to understand it. There was another factor that had a strong influence on my attitude towards life. I have a cousin named, Haroutoun Aharonian. He was very good at studies in high school and college. After that he pursued a graduate program in the University of Southern California. He became very good at analyzing stock markets, due to the MBA program that he attended in the University of Southern California’s   Marshall School of Business. One of the largest stock broking firms in Los Angeles has appointed him to a very important post, in their company. The sole reason for this success was the very good teaching standard of that college. This incident taught me that I had to work hard and develop an interest in my chosen field of study. On studying his success story, I decided to follow in his footsteps, and apply for the MBA program in the Marshall School of Business. I want to become an expert in Finance and Business Economics and this school imparts the necessary training and knowledge to achieve this goal. I would also like to keep the choice of joining the Bachelor’s of Arts in Economics. The USC Marshall School of Business offers the latest world class instruction in accounting, finance, entrepreneurship and international business studies (About The Marshall School of Business, 2007). The world has become smaller due to globalization; moreover, some Asian countries are showing highly rapid economic development. Traditional management techniques cannot address these phenomena. It is a course like that provided by the Marshall School of Business, which can properly describe these issues. This is the principal reason for my seeking a transfer to the Marshall School of Business. References About The Marshall School of Business. (2007). Retrieved January 25, 2008, from University of Southern California Marshall School of Business : http://www.marshall.usc.edu/about/ About USC. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2008, from University of Southern California:

Friday, September 27, 2019

Communication Campaign of The Body Shop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Communication Campaign of The Body Shop - Essay Example The key stakeholders and the target publics of the Body Shop are likely to be affected by the three main issues faced by the company. †¢Ã‚  Mergers of the company: the merger of the company would affect the existing shareholders and the employees of the organization. The shareholders would be suspicious about the performance of the company in the new merged position in the market. Rather the working culture of the organization would also change with the merger, this would affect the employees. The consumers would also doubt the ethical virtues of the company after the merger as LO real is known to not follow ethical issues in business. †¢Ã‚  The recession in the world economy: the crisis of finance in the global economies can force the company cut down some jobs, this would affect the employees. Rather the fall in the disposable income levels would hamper the purchasing power capabilities of the consumers. The suppliers would also be reluctant to provide raw materials at lo wer prices. †¢Ã‚  The ethical virtues of other cosmetics companies: this would directly affect the decisions of the consumers in the market. They might reduce the demand for the products of The Body Shop. Considering the initial business analysis, it can be stated that any change made in the business operations of The Body Shop would surely affect its stakeholders. Figure 1 and 2 in the Appendix, shows the stakeholders map for the Body. The most important stakeholders of the company are the customers and the shareholders.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Critical Analysis of the Article from both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE Essay - 2

Critical Analysis of the Article from both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE aspects - Essay Example The author therefore does not see products and services as two different acts but visualize it as a combination of complex processes that must be undertaken together in order to deliver something of value to the customers. The author has also provided a visual representation of the molecular model and how it can integrate with marketing processes to provide a comprehensive view of how marketers should view services and other aspects of marketing jointly. This approach therefore provides a visual picture of the different relationships and proportions of the elements. Further, author has attempted to consider services with evidence as it is the evidence only which can effectively provide a comprehensive understanding of how one can actually measure the effectiveness of the services. The author therefore provides modeling as well as blueprinting as two important methods that can effectively provide marketers an opportunity to design services in such a manner that it can offer relatively better opportunity to understanding marketing in larger context and design the overall offering in such a manner that achieve the objectives. It is however, critical to note that the author has fall short on different occasions. Services essentially are of perishable nature therefore effectively they cannot be dynamic as assumed by the author. The dynamic nature of the services can only be assumed when they are provided on the consistent basis and the customers have the ability and opportunity to provide effective feedback about the overall quality of the services. Further, services can be separated from the products as it depends upon the overall nature of the offering made by the firm. Since some products are delivered with minimal service promise therefore services essentially cannot be considered as important for designing an effective product. Lastly, the overall argument is not

The role that Competition authorities may play in correcting market Essay

The role that Competition authorities may play in correcting market failures and facilitate competition - Essay Example Moreover, with the promulgation of more liberal trade, consumers can now enjoy better deals from various producers as the myriad of local and international firms increasingly compete on the basis of better pricing and more quality. Moreover, as more and more firms enter the market, companies are really forced to innovate in order to serve their market better. Central to this is competition. Basically, the globalization has greatly helped in levelling the trade barriers wherein the location is now hardly a source of competitive advantage. This has also been greatly helped by the leaps and bounds of technology which has facilitated vast improvements in transportation and communication. However, despite of these innovations, locations remain important when industries cluster on these areas. These industries amass in certain areas which can strengthen the various industries within them in order to be more productive and by directing and concentrating innovation as well as the stimulation of the birth of new business ventures in the area (Porter, 1998). Still, central to this endeavour is the competition or more accurately the presence of competition. Chang and Harrington (2003) recognize the importance of the level of competition that can be brought about by firms that are able to innovate greatly and maintain a global presence. Prior to the dawn of globalization, many companies are snugly operating within their realms and cuddled by their governments. However, nowadays, many multinational firms have far reaching capabilities globally which encourages innovation to bring about quality and at the same time bring down costs. Again, all these are only possible if firms can compete freely and fairly. Hence, there are various competition authorities that tries to ensure that competition remain healthy within a country. Section A Competition Authority Among the foremost issue that most competition authorities try to tackle is the problem of antitrust. In other words, alt hough innovation is greatly encouraged in the free market and that growth of companies are generally favourable to the economy, certain firms can amass greater market and control thru mergers and acquisitions that, if left unchecked, could result to a consolidation of the industry to only one major player. In such a scenario, there is an effective destruction of competition which can lead to inefficiencies. There are cases when cartels are formed or the dominant player induces practices that may hurt competition such as predatory pricing. Ginsburg and Wright (2010) relate about two deterrents to such practices which are the traditional and penalty deterrence. In their analysis, it can be gleaned that the force of penalties and regulation play crucially in order to maintain balance in a market and to ensure the health of the competition within that industry. UK and Competition The United Kingdom (UK) remains as one of the most competitive countries in the world except for a slight re spite in the past years when the country was reeling from the effects of the Great Recession. Recently though, the country has reclaimed its spot in the top ten along with other European countries. Looking at the list which includes Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands clearly Europe is a center for competitiveness. Although the UK was temporarily ousted from the top ten, the country was able to bounce back fuelled by its strong

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Latest effort at transparency just muddies water by Carolyn Pugsley Research Paper

Latest effort at transparency just muddies water by Carolyn Pugsley and Alexandra Module - Research Paper Example The article is written by Carolyn Pugsley and Alexandra Module. The main objective of the article is to state the reforms which are adopted by the federal government of Australia in order to disclose the remunerations of seniors executives of companies. This reform has been adopted by the Australian government with the intention of facilitating better transparency for shareholders with respect to the remuneration structures of senior executives. Moreover, this reform will facilitate management of companies with minimum regulatory pressure (Pugsley & Module, 2012). Accounting Theory (Part B) The appropriate theory for this article will be ‘Legitimacy Theory’. This theory states that the remuneration policy of an organisation is conducted in a legitimated manner in accordance with it the board of directors (BOD) of the organisation is required to justify that the remuneration policy adopted by them are according to the company law and Accounting Standards of Australia. Mor eover, the remuneration of BOD of organisations should be justified to the shareholders as well as society. The remuneration policy of senior executives is required to be revealed in order to ascertain that remunerations are provided in keeping with best practices under the code of corporate governance (AFAANZ, 2010). Analysis (Part C) The legitimacy theory signifies that the remuneration policy adopted by companies is in adherence with rules as well as regulations of the government. This theory also states that the financial and annual reports which are prepared by companies are in accordance with accounting standards and company law. In this similar context, the article depicts that the remuneration policy of senior executives will aid in determining that the remunerations as well as rewards which are acquired by senior executives are according to accounting standards. The theory signifies that the remuneration of senior executives should be revealed in an appropriate manner in an nual reports with the motive of depicting the performance of companies to stakeholders. Moreover, the theory assists in minimising pressure on the management as the audit committee is familiar with the regulations of remuneration policy. The article depicts that the amount of remuneration of the senior executives should be revealed in the financial statements or annual reports of companies which will signify the performance of companies among stakeholders and market segments. Companies are required to adopt appropriate remuneration policies which will be legally enacted. The article also reveals that the remunerations of the senior executive should be disclosed in order to ascertain transparency towards shareholders. Moreover, the disclosure of the remuneration policy will assist companies in better regulatory operations (Crombie, 2010). It has been observed from the article that the government of Australia has formulated policy with regard to the disclosure of remunerations of seni or executive. The policy devised by the government is perceived to be complex for auditors as the remuneration report will comprise three segments which include ‘past pay’, ‘present pay’ as well as ‘future pay’. Furthermore, annual reports of companies with excess or decreased incentives and remunerations will portray ineffective performance of companies. Companies should adopt an effective policy of representing remuneration of senior executive which can be linked with the companies’

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 12

Nursing research - Essay Example Other areas that will improve my capacity as a professional include career assistance, availability of information on databases and targeted products and resources, including newsletters and online CE. Through exposure to these informative resources, professionals and knowledge areas, I will improve my knowledge base and the capacity to offer quality care. As a professional in the medical profession, I am required to offer my entire work time – and in some cases my personal time – towards the delivery of healthcare services, which are the source of my livelihood. Therefore, as a permanent employee in this sector, almost all my time is spent on work – particularly patient care. However, there are other professional activities that I am required to take, either for certification or for personal development. These include attending professional seminars, educational conventions, professional examinations, assisting other professionals and contributing to the knowledge-base available at professional associations. Balancing between the career and these other professional activities is difficult, as they improve my career and professional development, but at the same time – I am required to execute my duties as a professional, to the fullest. Through evaluating the activities that must be taken and those that req uire my continued physical and mental presence has helped me give priority to my services at the hospital. After completing my service dues, I am able to engage in the other activities, most times during my free time, and when I have work breaks. Through prioritizing, I have been able to balance between my career and the other professional activities. From a personal point of view, being a member of an organization is beneficial to a nurse. These benefits include that the nurse is exposed to educational programs, organizational conventions and seminars, and they are able to network for help and information with other members

Monday, September 23, 2019

Critique of Dallas' Emergency Response Plan Essay

Critique of Dallas' Emergency Response Plan - Essay Example FEMA’s mission is to support United States’ nationals and first responders in ensuring that, as nation, people join forces to deal with all types of disasters in case they occure. Disasters can strike anytime, anywhere, and usually takes different forms ranging from hurricanes and earthquakes to fires, toxic oil spills, mother nature acts and terrorist attacks. Every year, many Americans are faced with disasters together with their terrifying consequences (Huggins, 2007). As of October 2011, FEMA had over 7,000 employees all over the country working to support citizens and first responders in ensuring that they join forces to improve their capability to respond to disasters. FEMA employees perform their duties all over the country- at the headquarters, the ten regional offices including one in Dallas, the National Emergency Training Centre, Noble Training Centre/Centre for domestic Preparedness, among other locations- so as to support the larger team that deals with man aging emergencies. FEMA comprises of a team that includes state, tribal and local officials, federal partners, the private sector and non-governmental organizations together with the public. The Office of the Homeland Security and Emergency Management provides a 24-hour operation aimed at reducing injury or loss of lives and property. It also aims at protecting citizens of Dallas county from all types of disasters through providing and coordinating resources, skills, leadership and advocacy through a comprehensive security based on risk, an emergency management program of prevention, preparedness, recovery, mitigation and response. The emergency management program for the County of Dallas is derived from the Texas Government statute that requires each county to maintain a disaster plan. The stature is a basis for the state or local relationship, solidified by inter-jurisdiction agreements with Dallas County eleven other intra-county cities for assistance on daily operations, and dur ing disasters. The Building Security force is a section of the Homeland Security and Emergency Management that deals with providing a safe environment to the public and workers who partake of Dallas County’s services as provided by fulltime and contract security officers (Jenkins 2009). In order to perform their duties effectively, FEMA trains its members. Training provides homeland security officials, first responders, emergency management officials, and other persons with the skills, abilities and knowledge necessary to undertake key tasks required by specific capabilities. The National Training Program (NTP) gives a detailed and organized approach to training for emergency response providers and emergency managers all over America that supports the National Preparedness Guidelines. The NTP provides policy, tools and guidance that detail training design, development, delivery and evaluation as necessary. It will also support the promulgation and regular updating of national voluntary consensus standards in training, ensuring that the training is consistent with the standards. FEMA has four training organizations; CDP (Centre for Domestic Preparedness), EMI (Emergency Management Institute), NTED (National Training and Education Division), and NFA (National Fire Academy). CDP, located in Anniston, Alabama, is Homeland security’s only Weapons of Mass Destruction training center that is federally chartered. It began operations in 1998 and offers the best services in terms

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Hamlet Gray or Dorian Hamlet Essay Example for Free

Hamlet Gray or Dorian Hamlet Essay Comparative Analysis Essay Dorsal Gray Hamlet Throughout the play Hamlet we see the themes of obsession and good vs.. Evil, Hamlet struggles with his Inner demons until his tragic and untimely death. In the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray we meet a character that Is very similar to Hamlet In his continuous struggles with his good vs.. Evil persona and obsession with youth, Many character Is Oscar Wilds, Dorsal Gray represent those of Hamlet. Both Dorsal Gray and Hamlet who have love Interest that both happen to die In the midst of Hamlet and Grays battle within them selves. All though not all characters are represented you see a pattern with the minor character that help show the tragic heros true intentions. Both Hamlet and Dorian Gray struggle with obsession through their lives. While Hamlets is more of an obsession with avenging his fathers death while Dorian Gray obsesses over youth and beauty. Hamlet is obviously the more likable character but is makes you wonder how did Oscar Wiled make his audience able relate to Dorian, a greedy, evil and selfish human being? Although Hamlet had a peculiar way of showing his love and devotion to his father the reader an still understand why he would seek revenge and obsess over his death, Shakespeare shows us Hamlets true intentions with his famous and lengthy soliloquy. Dorian Gravys entire philosophy is based off selfishness. Hamlet, unlike Dorian feels guilt for is crimes until the death of Claudia while Dorian Gray puts himself in a false sense of security, while his conscience often thinks about repenting he slowly falls deeper and deeper into evil with the help of The Yellow Book and Lord Henry. Good vs.. Evil is large contrast in both novels; both characters suffer with their Evil did but only Hamlet makes an attempt to redeem himself. Towards the end of his life Hamlet attempts to apologize for the deaths of Alerts father and sister, Aphelia and Polonium, He is even upset about the death of Alerts whom he didnt mean to kill. Dorian Gray on the other hand hardly mourns for the death of his ex-fiance © Sybil, and takes great relief in the deaths of James, Sibyls brother who comes to avenge her death, his admirer Basil and former friend Alan. While he tries to hide his hypocrisy by constantly false repenting his portrait continues to grow In horror and eventually shows the transformation of what an evil soul he has become. Hamlet, the tragic character who finally realizes toward the end of the play all the pain and suffering he has caused apologizes, dying and noble and honorable death. Dorsal that Is neither honorable nor noble. Although the reader could see that Dorsal Grays last action before death is his way of showing guilt. He can no longer stand the stain Dorian and Hamlet both resemble the obsessive and even murderous side but where they differ is that Hamlet has a conscious unlike his counterpart, Dorian Gray

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Effects Of Social Exclusion

The Effects Of Social Exclusion The Concept of Social exclusion tends to focus on those who experience exclusion and diverts attention from the persistent poverty and increasing inequality which characterize contemporary British society. In order to understand the affect of the concept of social exclusion in relations to persistent poverty and equality we need to first answer 1) what does the concept of social exclusion denote? 2) Does the process of overcoming social exclusion take into account dealing with persistence poverty and inequality or does it overlook these aspects in particular persistent poverty and inequality of children in the context of the contemporary British society? Below, section 1 will outline the provenance of the social exclusion concept, its relations to persistent poverty and inequality in the contemporary British Society particularly children, section 2 outlines the status of children in persistent poverty and equality in the British society. The concept of Social Exclusion and in its relations to persistent poverty and inequality Social exclusion can be referred to industrialized countries (notably France in the 1970) and can be taken back to Weber, who identified exclusion as one form of social closure (Parkin 1979) It has been defined as the process through which individuals or groups are wholly or partially excluded from the society in which they live. Similar but in different light (Jordan 1996) highlights the continuous exclusion of one group by another group. The term social exclusion where it is believed France it was used to identify those who fell through the web of the social protection/social insurance system and were excluded by the state (Lenoir 1974, Duffy 1997) known as (Le exclus the excluded) in the 1970 included disabled persons, lone parent and the unemployed especially young adults (Evans 1998). Social exclusion is described as a shorthand label for what can happen when individuals or areas suffer from a combination of linked problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low incomes, poor h ousing, high crime environment, bad health and family breakdowns (SEU 1997) Also Duffy (1995) suggests that it is the inability to participate effectively in economic, Social, political and cultural life, alienation and distance from the mainstream society, this in a way clarifies the link between persistent poverty and inequality in the society and in particularly the unemployed are both poor and not in the same stature as others in the society and thus placing them in the process/institutions put in place to overcome these problems and help these individuals live within a society even though not equal creates a persistent poverty for the children that rely on the adults benefiting from these processes. At the same time the process or institutions put in place to overcome these social exclusions are not specifically designed to overcome persistent poverty or inequality. Child Poverty and Inequality in the contemporary British society Persistent poverty is defined as occurring when children experienced poverty (severe or non severe) in three out of five years for which they were analyzed i Children experiencing poverty were all more likely to: Have been in no worker household for one year Lived in rented accommodation for five years Had adults in the household who were ill for between three and four years Lived in midlands Received benefits for three to four years and lived in household with an average of three or more children (Adelman et al). Impact of poverty in children includes, deprivation of education, lack of proper health and children below the age of five die each day due to causes that can be prevented. Poverty is related to negative outcomes like ill-health and shorter life expectancy and this is true for relative (average income, lack of materials to fully participate in an accepted daily life) and absolute poverty (absence of enough resources to make complete someone). World Health Organization (2008) reports shocking inequalities within the countries and cities also persist. The life expectancy of child born in Carlton in Glasgow, Scotland is 28 years less than that of a child born few miles away in Lenzi. The 2007 UNICEF report on child wellbeing ranked the UK bottom out of 21 OECD countries. Bradshaw J argues that child poverty is the inevitable consequences of economic restructuring, globalization, demographic transitions. But it s then the consequence of policy-successive Conservative government ignoring rising child poverty, committed as they were to trickle down theories and their aspirations to reduce public expenditure and cut taxation? Levitas (1998) identifies three different discourses of Social Exclusion, First approach is a redistributive Discourse (RED) which derives from critical social policy, and which sees social exclusion as a consequences of poverty, thus Peter Townsend argued that poverty should not be understood in terms of subsistence, but in terms of peoples ability to participate in the customary life of society: individuals, families and groups can be said to be in poverty when their resources are so seriously below those commanded by the average individual or family they are, in effect, excluded from ordinary living patterns, customs and activities(Townsend,1979,p32).the indicator for social exclusion in RED is low income. She adds Social integration Discourse (SID) is participation in paid work, therefore young people of working age should participate in labor market. Unemployment or economic inactivity indicates social exclusion. The third approach is a moral underclass discourse (MUD), which so cial exclusion is used as a substitute not for poverty or non employment, but for the underclass .This discourse presents the socially excluded as the morally distinct from the rest of the society and does not address inequality. Since the election, there has been increasing tendency to talk about poverty and social exclusion, a shift which can only be welcomed, since it puts both firmly back at on the political agenda. But opportunity for all (Blair, 29 January 1996) A reduction in the proportion of children living in workless households, for households of a given size, over the economic cycle. A reduction in the proportion of children in household relatively low incomes A reduction in the proportion of children in households with low incomes in an absolute sense. A reduction in the proportion of children in household with persistently low incomes. Makes no separation between poverty and social exclusion nor does the poverty and social exclusion (National Strategy) Bill, introduced in parliament under the 10- minute Rule on 10th February 1999. Mud posits strong connection between poverty and social exclusion, but sees the causes of poverty as lying in cultural and moral/self exclusion rather than the other way round. (Levitas, 1998) Conclusion Referring back to the concept of social exclusion and its relation to persistent poverty and inequality, I would argue that although the concept of social exclusion concentrates on those excluded it does address the issues that lead to poverty and inequality but has not been designed to directly tackle the issues of persistent poverty and inequality in the contemporary British society and in particular the children. Poverty is not only deprivation of economic or material resources but a violation of human dignity too. The UN provides a broader definition of poverty: a human condition characterized by the sustained or chronic deprivation of the resources, capabilities, choices, security and power necessary for the enjoyment of an adequate standard of living and other civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. (UN, 2001). The UN definition brings together two important and related themes in contemporary understandings of poverty: the capability approach of Nobel-prize winning economist Amartya Sen and the human rights approach. Inequality is sometimes seen as a form of poverty, and the capability approach to poverty shows us why. By definition, any society with inequality means that some people have less money, resources or power than others do. These people will often be described as relatively poor but there are sometimes questions about whether they are absolutely poor (Barber, 2008; p3)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Doris Lessing :: Biography Biographies Essays

Doris Lessing Doris Lessing is considered a South African writer, although Africa is not the place of her birth. She was, in fact, born in Persia (now Iran) to British parents in 1919. As a child, she and her parents moved to Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), where she lived until 1949 (Sage, 15). White colonists had not previously settled in the part of Africa to which her family moved (Charters 894). In 1949 she moved to London where she still, apparently, resides. Lessing's life appears characterized by displacement. Charters tells us that "Lessing left school at the age of fourteen in rebellion against her mother" (894). Although neither Charters nor Lessing tell us for certain, it seems she may have been pushing against a representative of the colonialist mindset and way of life that she fought as an adult. Her unease with her status as a British national in Africa can be clearly seen in an event related by her biographer Lorna Sage in a quote from Lessing's "Being Prohibited," a piece written for The New Statesman. At the age of 16, Lessing was waiting in a train at a border crossing between Southern Rhodesia and South Africa. The forms she had been given to fill out at the border required her to declare nationality, birthplace, and other information. In this quotation, Lessing relates her discomfort at being one of the "Herrenvolk" (Sage 16): I had written on the form: Nationality, British, Race, European; and it was the first time in my life I had to claim myself as a member of one race and deny the others . . . The immigration man . . . looked suspiciously at my form for a long time before saying that I was in the wrong part of the train. I did not understand him. (I forgot to mention that where the form asked, Where were you born?, I had written, Persia.) "Asiatics," said he, "have to go to the back of the train†¦" "But," I said, "I am not an Asiatic." (Sage 16) For Lessing, this incident seemed to display her lack of a secure "place" in the world. Insecure in the role of British national, unable to be a "real" national of her adopted homeland, she is further separated by the place in which she was born. According to Sage, in the same piece Lessing investigates the idea that maybe "it was her Persian birth rather than her 'red' anti-racist politics that made her a prohibited alien" (16).

Pot, Its Whats for Dinner :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cannabis, chronic, bud, weed, pot, grass, the list is endless. Harboring several names, marijuana use, is illegal in most of United States. In California, marijuana can be prescribed to cancer patients, aids patients and people who suffer from glaucoma. But the recreational use is strictly prohibited in most of the 50 United States. Considering the liable revenue, the social and health related factors of marijuana as opposed to legal substances like alcohol and cigarettes; the recreational use of marijuana should be legal for social and economic reasons. Marijuana has been proven to induce less side effects, or negative factors than either alcohol or cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes causes cancer, in several different forms, is physically addicting, and has enough other chemicals in it to kill small animals. Along with the extremely addicting nicotine, and tar-filled tobacco, cigarettes contain other chemical s such as rodenticide, formaldehyde, and sometimes even ammonia. Still, it is legal to buy, and smoke. Alcohol, another prevalent â€Å"evil† in society, too can cause severe internal problems (liver disease), is psychologically addicting, and in large quantities can in fact be fatal (alcohol poisoning). Both these legal substances have proven more dangerous than marijuana. Marijuana is not physically addicting. In most cases, especially if cultivated and smoked appropriately, it contains no other chemicals. One cannot â€Å"overdose† on marijuana or get â€Å"pot poisoning†. However, the government manages to ignore such proven facts, and maintains the legal sale and use of alcohol and tobacco products. Approximately $5.00 a day, $35.00 a week, $140.00 a month, and $7280.00 a year; smoking a pack of cigarettes a day is costly habit. But theoretically, it is not that expensive to grow. So, where do the disparities in prices come from? The federal government has an extensive list of taxes, and tariffs put on tobacco. The taxes on a pack of cigarettes make up for more than 50% of the price. The tobacco industry is viewed as this inherent â€Å"evil†, and the government does all it can to thwart the industry, including the taxation of all tobacco products. If the government were to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes, the same taxes, and tariffs could be applied to the sales of marijuana cigarettes. The revenue collected from this would be astounding. With this revenue, more regulation could be enforced and it would soon be harder for kids and teenagers to acquire. And just like alcohol and cigarettes, a state license could be issued for the distribution, and a legal â⠂¬Å"pot smoking† age could be enforced.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Elian Gonzalez :: essays research papers

The swarms of rumors and tons of media coverage form a shaded cloud around one boy, his name Elian Gonzalez. Elian has been crowded by cameras , flashes and political leaders all poking at his future. I believe that Elian should go home to Cuba where he could live peacefully out of the American media's blood hound reporters camera flashes and editorials. Elian's father and his family should be able to come to terms and decide on the fate of this young child. He is just being used as a puppet in the political war between Castro's Communism and Clinton's Democracy.I wish that the people of Miami would realize that Elian should not be given special rights to gain entrance to America. Since I have been to Cuba I am sure that there are many other people that would like to be able to travel and stay in America. That is not possible for them they are not cute enough or the center of a political debate therefore , Elian should be sent back to prove that he is a normal citizen and that every one in society is an equal.This debate over his location has gone much to far. The boy was taken out by force because the Miami residents would not give him up with out a fight. There were riots in the streets where senseless behavior the smashing cars and destruction throughout the streets of Little Havana. What does this solve? Nothing only people's valuables being destroyed which has nothing to do with the fight for Elian. That is exactly what it is no longer a peaceful discussion but a verbal and physical fight to decide this child's life.If this boy who is almost looked upon as a so called gift from god had been dealt with like every other illegal immigrant he would be merely sent back across the ocean he came across back to his native home of Cuba.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Access to Healthcare in Haiti

Access to Healthcare Services in Haiti Lena Almas Miami Dade â€Å"Healthcare is a human right, every American is entitled to the right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health. † Those words were spoken by former President Theodore Roosevelt on January 11, 1944 to the American Congress. This essential freedom is not enjoyed by the global society at large and currently â€Å"over one billion people lack access to basic healthcare systems. † (Carr, 2004, p. 28) Unfortunately, the poorest countries in the world are often found to be the ones most in need of these basic medical services.The island nation of Haiti is the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. Seven million people inhabit an area the size of New Jersey. Seventy-eight percent of Haitians live on less than two dollars a day and only sixty four percent of the country is literate. (Shah, 2010) â€Å"Haiti has the worst malnutrition, the highest rates of infant and mate rnal mortality, and the worst AIDS epidemic in the Americas. Nearly half the population is chronically undernourished. Of every thousand children born in Haiti, 71 die before reaching the age of 5. † (Partners In Health, 2012, para. ) Many factors over the last 200 years have contributed to a healthcare system in crisis. The paper will examine how healthcare is delivered within this impoverished nation and the vast dynamics that contribute the current healthcare crisis. Haiti’s healthcare is delivered in three sectors, the public, semi-public, and the private sector. The private for-profit sector provides approximately one third of the population’s healthcare and is located dominantly within the capital city of Port-au-Prince. Here doctors and hospitals often expect payment in advance for services. Mangan, 2009) If you are one of the twenty percent that live above the poverty line private healthcare might be an option for your healthcare needs. However; close to eighty percent of Haitian household find themselves living in abject poverty on less than 2 dollars and day and half of all household live on less than one dollar a day. For these people healthcare is found in the pubic and semi-public sectors. The public sector is run by the Ministry of Public Health and Population and Ministry of Social Affairs and is responsible for providing healthcare to the Haitian itizens. (World Health Organization [WHO], 2010, p. 6) Only one in 10 people here are covered by public health insurance. â€Å"The 2005 World Health Report estimates that the Haitian government spends only $2 per capita on health each year, accounting for about 40 percent of national expenditures on health. Since health insurance is not available or affordable for the vast majority of Haitians, households must pay for health care or go without. † (â€Å"Zanmi lasante site background,† n. d, para. 3).In Haiti there are 371 health posts, 217 health centers and 49 hospit als ran by the Ministry of Health and an estimated 40% of the population lacks access to health services (Pan American Health Organization, n. d. ) Often, â€Å"citizens in Haiti are not always familiar with the medical system of their own country and will avoid or delay seeking care due to lack of funds for transportation, services, and medicines† (Mangan, 2009). Most Haitians continued to meet their health-care needs through traditional remedies. Herbal medicines are widely used, especially in rural areas.In addition to home remedies, herbal specialists (dokte fey) provided massage and herbal remedies. Many voodoo specialists are also experts in herbal remedies. In addition to the lack of funding and knowledge about healthcare resources within the country there is also found to be a lack of healthcare workers. In 1998, there were 2. 4 physicians and 1 nurse per 10,000 people. (Pan American Health Organization, n. d. ) Human resources are insufficient and lack of funds has p revented the creation of new positions and many professionals go into private practice or emigrate.In 1999, a bilateral cooperation agreement was signed with Cuba, under which 500 Cuban health professionals have been working in 62% of the municipalities for 5 years (Pan American Health Organization, n. d. ) Being elderly in Haiti was difficult before the earthquake. So difficult, in fact, that the average Haitian lifespan is only 61 years. Those over age 65 make up only 3. 4 percent of the population, compared with 13 percent in the United States. View a disabled child/elderyly as punishment or as a condition caused by a supernatural force, however the Disability is not shameful for family.References Carr, D. (2004). â€Å"Improving the Health of the World’s Poorest People† [Health Bulletin 1]. Retrieved from Global Issues: http://www. prb. org/pdf/ImprovingtheHealthWorld_Eng. pdf Cong. Rec. 50 (1944, January 11). Mangan, J. (2009, January 30). Haiti: Cultural competen cy and Tuberculosis Control [Educational Material]. Retrieved from Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center: http://sntc. medicine. ufl. edu/Files/Products/Country%20Guide%20-%20Haiti. pdf Pan American Health Organization. (n. d. ). Haiti (332-349). Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.Partners In Health. (2012). The Situation in Haiti. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from http://www. pih. org/where/pages/Haiti Shah, A. (2010). Haiti. Retrieved , from http://www. globalissues. org/article/141/haiti World Health Organization. (2010). Public health risk assessment and interventions. Earthquake: Haiti. Retrieved from http://www. who. int/diseasecontrol_emergencies/publications/haiti_earthquake_20100118. pdf Zanmi lasante site background. (n. d). Retrieved November 13, 2012, from http://www. pih. org/pages/haiti-background

Monday, September 16, 2019

Boston Artwork Essay

The public artworks that I chose are Asaroton 1976 (Unswept Floor) and Boston’s Famed Rainbow Tank. The similarities of these artworks are that they are both available in public view and that they are unique types of artwork. There is not much like the Rainbow Tank or the Asaroton ’76 types, as they were original ideas of the artists. Considering the effect that they have on people, both artworks seem to blend in the everyday life of those who see it in a regular basis. The Asaroton is being walked around and stepped around, while the Rainbow Tank contains liquefied natural gas. It’s as if the artwork has naturally been there, a part of everyone’s ordinary lives despite the fact they are extraordinary creations (Millis, 1997). The Asaroton ’76 is an artwork like no other, as it is composed of bronze replicas of everyday waste and debris of the market, which is then embedded in concrete. At first glance, the artwork just seems to be a deformity or an abnormality in the road (Harries/Heder Public Art, 2006). But if you look at it closely, you will see the intricate details and designs embossed on the concrete walkway. In relation to this, it is situated in a segment of the street which forms a major crosswalk. Many people pass it or walk over it everyday, but they don’t seem to mind. To them, the artwork is already a part of their everyday lives. Boston’s Famed Rainbow Tank is actually a gigantic tank of liquefied natural gas which was painted with five huge swaths of color, artistically placed as though they’re just strokes of a paintbrush (NPR, 2001). The colors are yellow, orange, blue, vermillion, and purple. With the way the tank is painted, it’s as if it was just a large canvas for an abstract artwork. The stripes actually doesn’t resemble anything, but according to those who gaze at this gigantic work of art, they see faces of prominent personalities, whether they’re our friends or foes (images of Ho Chi Minh, Fred Flintstone, Saddam Hussein). The Asaroton ’76 is situated in the busy, open air produce market on Blackstone Street. The place it is embedded is a part of a major crosswalk, so you can just imagine how many people walk over it or pass it during the course of the day. Heavy motor traffic is also present during the day, so we can say that this artwork is not something that we keep in museums or galleries, as it is best appreciated in public. Boston’s Rainbow Tank is situated somewhere along Boston’s waterfront, the industrial part of the area. The rainbow tank is such a massive structure that many people can see it without having to get close to it. There were restaurants just around the area, and the rainbow tank has been a common view for the urban dwellers. The tank holds a good spot in everyone’s heart, as it was made originally as a sign of peace, and now it remains a masterpiece unique from any other artworks. The effectiveness of Asaroton ’76 in conveying an artistic message is incomparable, as it artfully depicts some of the common things that we see everyday. It immortalizes the debris of everyday life, which seem to reflect back to us, how we oftentimes don’t recognize these stuff as artistic or as anything valuable. With the Asaroton, we are able to see how these things, no matter what they are, can be a very good subject for a wonderful work of art. It’s main difference with the Rainbow Tank is obviously the size, and also the feeling it conveys, as it serves as a reminder of the things we usually neglect or ignore, as for the Rainbow Tank, it is a sign of peace, that’s why it conveys a feeling of happiness to the viewers. The Rainbow Tank is effective in its purpose of spreading peace, as it conveys a feeling of peacefulness and childish joy, despite the size of the structure. People who look at it tend to smile, even without a reason. Its mere presence in the area brings and assurance of peace for the people, though in reality, it could easily be a target of terrorism, with all the natural gas it contains. References: Harries/Heder Public Art. (2006). Asaroton 1976 (Unswept Floor). Retrieved June 9, 2008, from http://www. harriesheder. com/asaroton. htm Millis, C. (1997). An opinionated, irreverent look at Boston’s public art. Retrieved June 9, 2008, from http://www. bostonphoenix. com/archive/art/97/08/21/PUBLIC_ART. html NPR. (2001). Boston’s Famed Rainbow Tank Inspires Admiration, Scorn. Retrieved June 9, 2008, from http://www. npr. org/news/specials/response/home_front/features/2001/nov/rainbowtank/011105. rainbowtank. html

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Eco-Final Paper

Planning and Operating Currently, we are In the middle of moving her photography studio from our home to a new downtown location. The new space Is over 1,500 square feet of studio space with a full basement for storage of props. With such a large space, she has decided to open a boutique store along with her new studio. She Is going to Incorporate the merchandise throughout her space so It still feels Like a studio, but items will be for sale throughout the store,'studio. She is going to be selling some of her most popular items that she uses for props.Instead of buying props, outfits and boutique items for implies to use during the sessions, she is going offer a small boutique line that will be open during the week to the public. The boutique will be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday for shopping, and then she will be holding photo sessions on the weekends. The move will take her business to the next step. This new location will benefit her and it will benefit her pictures. Space is a must when you are working with children and larger groups in photography and this building has plenty of open space to catch all of those fun smiles.This also gives back to the customers, It gives hem a more professional feeling when they show up for pictures. It will be a win for both the customers and the photographer. Market Structure The market structure for photographers would have be a pure competition as anyone can buy a camera and take photographs, but if you are looking for professional pictures or investment prints then you need to look for a professional photographer. If you ask around I am sure you will be able to find a handful of photographers. Many do this as a hobby, others do it for additional income without jumping all the way in.You have the local department stores or grocery stores who offer photos for a small price ad then you have the professional photographers who have their own space and style. Once you get to this level I feel that they fall into the olig opoly. There are a limited number of quality photographers who have a price that is comparable to each other. To get to this level there are obstacles to overcome which makes the barriers to entry a little more complicated, Pricing and Non Pricing Strategies The main marketing tool for her photography business has been word of mouth. I Nils NAS Eden very positive Ana seen NAS a strong Toweling AT clientsWalt ten new location, she is going to be introducing a new referral program. With each order, she will provide eight referral cards to be handed out. For every referral that books a session and follows through with the session, the client who referred them will receive a $50 credit for future sessions/orders. She has also spent a lot of time researching print prices. Each photographer has there own strategy and style, but she has kept with an a-la-cart style with reasonable prices. Staying away from packages of prints or sheets of prints, this will allow each client to specifically order hat they want.With a downtown presence, this will open the door for new prospects outside of word of mouth. While having regular hours, this will allow customers to come in and see her studio, see her photos that she has displayed and meet the photographer. This should create a more personal relationship with customers, the community and other downtown businesses. In Just the few days that we have been in painting two neighboring business have requested company photo sessions. Visibility of the store front is already paying off. Appropriate Course and Credit Market Photography is a luxury for individuals and families.It is an art to be able to create a photograph that someone wants to purchase and frame in their home. Not every family wants to have a professional photo of their newborn baby, but the families who do will receive an assortment of pictures that they will cherish forever. This quality of service that a photographer provides has a price tag though. This profession has many different categories. If you want photos done by J Pennies or Wall Mart, you will be able to receive numerous photos for a small price. These photos re very generic and no time on editing is spent to make sure each photo is special.As a personal photographers experience increases, their prices increase as well. They are selling an investment, a luxury item at a particular price. Her research on boutique items has brought another branch to her business. Her main focus will be baby boutique and she will offer mostly items for babies and small children. The boutique will offer wooden baby teething toys, diaper bags, baby clothing, baby leggings, specialized tote bags and specialized hair clips. Each of these items are airily inexpensive to make or buy so there will be a small outlay of inventory costs.As a boutique shop with specialized products, prices will result in a comfortable net profit per item sold. This will be extra income as she plans to be in the studio during the week already. She will also have space to offer more of her products related to photography. She currently offers many different products for prints such as, mounted photos, canvases, stand out photos and a wooden mounted photo. She also offers baby announcement cards, holiday cards and Jewelry with photos. With the additional space in the studio, she will be able to showcase these products that will have the potential for increased sales.Showcasing products to customers is a great way to have them visualize what they would want in their homes. Profit Maximizing Revenue will increase with any level of sales from the boutique as this will be an entirely new market for the business. Depending on how the items marketed sell, will determine what other item will be offered. As the seasons change, the clothing choices will follow suite. New items will continue to be introduced and marketed as e believe this is a great way to have customers continue to visit the store.Changing merchandise wall create tramcar on a regular Oasis. A Tee ways to reduce ten price AT merchandise would be to develop and produce our own inventory or be able to purchase large quantities of inventory at one time. Since a boutique store is more known for having limited items, being able to purchase wisely or developing and producing boutique items will be the best alternative to reducing merchandise costs. Revenue Due to the fact that the boutique portion of the business is extra, any revenue hat is made on boutique products is a plus.Her main focus is to continue to keep the photographer studio busy because taking pictures is what is going to pay the rent. On the boutique side, she is going to focus on developing different products and merchandise during the weekdays and will continue with her photography work on the weekends and weekday nights. With the limited hours during the weekday, she feels that she will be able to keep up with the local demand. When/if it reaches the level where an add itional employee would be needed, we will look at the numbers to make sure it is Justified.The longer we can keep the business within the family, the better and more profitable we will be. With the boutique items being made and bought from wholesalers, this will create a specialty market which will be difficult for another business to copy. Also with the specialty merchandise, this will warrant a higher price as creativity has a higher price tag. This along with her photography skills, these two businesses will go hand in hand. Each photographer has there own style, and with the creativity that she has will carry over into the boutique business.Conclusion Overall, the photography business will be able to Justify the new space by itself; the boutique portion of the space will allow her creativity to be available to customers that are Just browsing or customers who have a scheduled photo session. No matter how you look at it, the exposure that the business will create by being downtow n will be positive and will hopefully create a broader customer base. Reference McConnell, C. R. , Bruce, S. L. & Flynn, S. M (2009). Economics: Principle, problems, and policies (18th deed. ). New York: McGraw Hill/Larkin.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Religion and the Meaning of Life Essay

According to Frederich Nietzche, â€Å"A man who has a why to live can bear any how†. To me this statement provides massive insight into the human experience: all people need a purpose in life. As humans we need a constructive outlet through which we can invest our thoughts, emotions, efforts and energies. We need something to thrive for and strive toward. Religion, for many people provides this outlet in life in a most positive manner. It allows people to find themselves by losing themselves foremost. Religion encourages service to others, selflessness, forgiveness and ascetic values that allow people to displace personal prejudices and mental barriers that are roadblocks on the path toward self awareness and understanding. Religion teaches that human beings are direct creations of God. Due to this, the religious person places immense gravity into the definition of what it means to be human. To the religious person human life is sacred therefore all human beings are treated as if they are sacred entities. Dignity is vital to this experience and the religious person lives a decent life based largely on the fact that they find it a grave injustice to engage in dehumanizing acts. A dehumanizing act is any action that undermines the value of what it means to be human, and because human life to the religious person is sacred; treating other people and oneself with respect is part of the job description. Religious people also are heavily focused on remaining loyal to traditions and place heavy emphasis on the concept of togetherness through ceremonies, rituals and even celebrations. Religious people congregate and come together in a forum of mutual understanding of one another’s beliefs and values, and respect for the characteristics that make individuals unique. This is how religious institutions have survived throughout the ages. People of all sorts come together based on a mutual understanding of the same truths. The idea of coming together forms a family-like atmosphere that strengthens dynamics within individual households and strengthens interpersonal bonds among all people whom the religious person encounters. The religious person lives a life of kindness, simplicity and dignity highlighted by unity, loyalty and fairness. These concepts are vital to becoming a well integrated person which is the key component to finding one’s purpose and meaning in life. Once a person gains a sense of purpose, the other aspects of their lives fall into place based around what that person chooses to life for. When a person lives for their faith, their lives are based around morals that encourage reverence for all human beings and a genuine perceptive of righteousness. This is why religious people not only have a strong sense of self, but also have unshakable character based in a solid affection for mankind.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Elder Abuse Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Elder Abuse - Assignment Example The impact that physical and emotional abuses have on old persons exacerbate the process of aging and the diseases that accompany the process. This complicates the ability of elders to leave the abusive relationship. Kinship obligations and use of extended family to resolve emerging issues complicate the resolution of abuses, especially if the victim is a woman. This paper is a case analysis of Harriet Fields case of elder abuse. Case Analysis A Summary of the Facts in the Case The case centres on elder abuse. The case is about Harriet Fields, an 88-year-old widow. Mrs. Fields lives with her son, Bernard, who is 55 years old and has lived with his mother all his life. Bernard has been unsuccessful in finding work, partly because he is unenthusiastic about it and because of his age. Mrs. Fields’ advanced age restrains her from undertaking many activities; this has contributed to her growing isolation from the rest of society. She no longer attends church services regardless of her strong religiosity (Payne, 2005). This prompted her pastor to visit her monthly. At some stage in the visits, the pastor became aware of Mrs. Fields’ injuries, which she had sustained from physical abuse by her son, Bernard. However, this was not an isolated incident as Mrs. Fields had been suffering successive physical abuse. She had not sought medical attention nor reported the incidences to the authorities. The pastor sought help from protective service workers, an unpleasant decision to Mrs Fields. Mrs. Fields’ case exhibited a lack of caregiver support. Mrs. Fields is also neglected as exhibited by unkemptness. She was also suffering from the diseases associated with aging such as poor vision and hearing capability (Payne, 2008). The protective officers notified the nurse and the police who visited her and offered her attention. Mrs. Fields was less enthusiastic about the recommendations of the police and the nurse. On confronting Bernard, the protection offic er learnt that he was unapologetic, blaming it all on her provocation. Mrs. Fields’ elderly relatives were also defensive of Bernard’s actions by dispelling accusations that he was an alcoholic. Main Problems in the case The problems highlighted by the case encompass abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Bernard subjected his mother to physical abuse and financial exploitation as well as mistreatment. In addition, Bernard subjects her to emotional abuse arising from verbal attacks and threats, which degrade and humiliate her (Grande, 2004). Mrs. Fields’ life also manifests abandonment fueled by loneliness and self-neglect whereby she disregards personal hygiene and health care. Her own actions or inactions such as unwillingness to seek medical care manifest self-harm and endangerment (Payne, 2005). Isolation aggravated the risk to abuse since Mrs. Fields kept a low social profile thus making the abuse go unnoticed. How the two theories explain the problems and the n eeds Feminist theory Feminist perspectives explain and respond to oppressive positions of women in most societies. Feminist perspectives delve more in increasing consciousness on women’s roles and positions. Feminist ideas lean towards radical transformation in societies (Payne, 2008). Feminists hold that social and institutional factors shape the positions of women in a patriarchal society. Feminists believe that the patriarchal society manifests increased domination in terms of privilege and empowerment of men. The provision of varying insights depending on the feminist premises yields different types of feminism, which are diverse, competing, and often contradictory (Grande, 2004). The five key feminist theoretical perspectives include liberal

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reaction paper - Essay Example Then there is also evidence and the credibility of those who tell an account. What is apparent is that in history there is oftentimes a victor and a villain and the revisionists’ role is to shed light on the facts buried in all other propaganda. The role of the reader now becomes to judge for himself what he should believe in. This is the very nature of the two accounts of what happened in World War II and even World War I by Benjamin Freedman and Dr. Frederick Toben. From the introduction of Freedman before his speech, he was introduced as a former Jew. He was an insider and a friend of Jews before he converted into Christianity. This leads the listener into curiosity of why he would leave his religion by birth for another, especially when you have the opportunity of having belonged to the Jewish community which is almost impenetrable. The reason, it goes, is his outrage of Zionists who manipulate for their gain. Freedman starts by the presentation of the etymology of Judea a s biblical place mentioned in the Bible. It is referred to as a province of Rome and from this stemmed out the term Jews who dispersed throughout the world and found their presence in Europe. The Jews have since then taken over a large enterprise of tremendously profitable businesses.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sustainable tourism and educating the tourist Essay

Sustainable tourism and educating the tourist - Essay Example With such high and definitely increasing demand, protection of culture and environment has become imperative. "Sustainable tourism in its purest sense is an industry which attempts to make a low impact on the environment and local culture, while helping to generate income, employment, and the conservation of local ecosystems. It is responsible tourism which is both ecologically and culturally sensitive" http://www.gdrc.org/uem/eco-tour/eco-tour.html ST makes maximum use of environmental resources without disturbing natural heritage and biodiversity, respecting socio-cultural authenticity of the region, and ensuring long term economic wellbeing of the stakeholders. In relation to mass tourism, sustainable tourism is a specialised branch. Mass tourism is economically beneficial, easy to market, but is rather harsh on attractions. It no doubt cares for environment and cultural attractions; but not enough. It does not involve local communities as stakeholders and there is hardly any dialogue between communities, tourists and tour operators. It is a positive force for poor countries, which can, if allowed to go unbridled, also can harm local culture and environment. Pope John Paul II thought mass tourism was another way of exploiting local communities, even though mass tourism is vital for many countries. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/1468503.stm). Responsible tourism like ST minimises the damage that could be caused by mass tourism to environment and culture. MEDITERRANEAN Spain and Mediterranean coastlines offered mature mass tourism for decades now. Mass tourism has created complex issues like demands and pressures and new policies and planning techniques. It has also created the necessity of sustainable tourism application in this area. Uncontrolled tourism almost ruined the freshwater basin here. Italy and Greece too were adversely affected by mass tourism. "The mass model of sun and beach tourism which is characteristic of the Mediterranean coastline has caused both the spectacular urban, demographic and economic growth of small coastal towns once inhabited by farming and fishing families who eventually came to make their living from tourism, and the increasing degradation of their natural setting" http://geographyfieldwork.com/TourismMatureDestinations.htm This statement is true as the involved countries have only recently woken up into the enormity of the problems that tourism has created. Mediterranean holidays deal with all major holiday brands and depend on seasonality. But in recent years, it had been seen as a single major threat to the pristine coastline and equally destructive to valuable wetlands even though tourism is the most important vehicle of growth. STAKEHOLDER Under these circumstances, Sustainable tourism that involves the local community in safeguarding and protecting the cultural and environmental assets of the region comes into picture and gives new hope. ST believes in the economic benefit of the region because tourism is connected with productivity, mobility, communication facilities and broadened horizons. "Obviously, these factors are interrelated, but a greater weight probably should be assigned to productivity than to the others," Smith (1989, p.41). Without further opportunity of productivity, it is difficult to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The world we live in Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The world we live in - Assignment Example The world tends to see every one of us from points of views that define our gender, nationality, class, disability, ethnicity, sexuality and many other more (Barak, Leighton & Flavin, 2010). No one can escape all these frames of views. For example, gender is an example of an intersection that is purely of social construct. We live in a world where everyone assumes a binary representation as far as gender is concerned. Some of these intersectional characteristics are badly defined – many people take them as fluid. For instance, everyone represents one gender or another, but for some other people, this is never the case. On the same page, sexuality is a fluid characteristic that echoes with a difference between tastes and preferences from one person to another. Some people can choose to be ‘straight ‘or heterosexual for the rest of their lives, others can be bisexual while the rest can be homosexuals: gays (Barak, Leighton & Flavin, 2010). Everyone fits in one of these groups or another. Class is another aspect of intersectionality that applies to everyone. Class can be viewed from cultural and economic points of views. If an individual is not placed under the rich – high income groups, he or she will definitely belong to the middle income group or the low income group. One can either be poor, rich or in between. These sections cover other subgroups given that the magnitude of wealth is continuous (Barak, Leighton & Flavin, 2010). Everyone falls under some sort of race. One can either be a Negroid, Mongloid or a Caucasian. No one fall out of these three components of race (Chow, Segal & Tan, 2011). These intersectional groups are judged differently. Some are viewed with prestige while others are despised. An individual does not take the picture, but can find his or herself in an intersectional identity that makes him or her feel liberated or oppressed. One can be privileged in one intersection and be

Monday, September 9, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Philosophy of Education - Essay Example The teacher develops a philosophy of education from both the theoretical sources of historical philosophies which discuss the idealism that underlies the teaching process and also from practical experience by testing these theories in classroom instructional practice. From philosophers such as Rousseau, Piaget, Thoreau, and Montessori, the teacher may learn about human nature and the stages of childhood development, as well as the goal of education. The teacher needs to build practical strategies for teaching on the foundation of the idealism of human nature, focusing on social skills growth, mental patterns of learning, physical training, and personality development. From the foundation of openness and the exchange of information through communication, the teacher must also implement a broader teaching structure in a Third Grade class that will lead to well-rounded development of students in all subjects of science, reading, writing, research, recreation, and physical growth. Becaus e of this, I have decided to adopt what is called an â€Å"essentialist† theory of education that believes that the teacher should prepare according to a path of gradual development of the childhood subject, where a wide variety of course materials and instruction leads to the broad development of minds and character through the classroom activities. (Phillips, 2008) 1. Curricular and Instructional Practice For curriculum development in the Third Grade, the teacher will be following a broad curriculum in general education focusing on the development of fundamental learning skills for further progression in education. This curriculum is based upon reading and writing most importantly at this stage, with also basic mathematics being important. The students should improve in reading skills across all subjects, as well as using their writing skills in all classes for essays, tests, note-taking, etc. Math is integrated into science and arithmetic classes to impart basic skills thr ough repetition of practice and homework. Oral communication will be an integral part of the students’ in-class responsibilities. The teacher will be implementing Ohio Teaching Standards and preparing students for the display of knowledge apprehension in standardized tests that will assess cumulative knowledge. The classroom will be on a â€Å"one-room† standard, with both male and female students mixed in the class, and uniforms will not be used as part of the dress codes. My teaching will take place in a Public School district, and as such there will be further responsibilities in the application of the teaching method with regard to keeping the parents as part of the process, engaged and informed in the child’s development, as well as satisfying administrative responsibilities at the local school and district levels. In this environment, the teacher must be well-rounded in knowledge, and prepared in advance for lessons in order to anticipate problems or issue s and have adequate response techniques available for implementation in the lesson. (Atherton, 2011) 2. Diversity of Learners Multiculturalism is the basis for the current paradigm in public education where the students come from a wide range of backgrounds both culturally and socio-economically. Part of the teacher’s responsibility is to provide the students with the basic of good citizenship, which includes tolerance for others, respect for views, openness, helpfulness, etc. Because of this the teacher should always make sure to maintain fairness in teaching methods, recognizing that girls and boys must be taught equally, and that the student’s must learn to understand and appreciate each other’s own cultural diversity and heritage. While the history classes allow for cultural dimensions to be discussed, holidays, class parties, special events, and seminars can be implemented by the teacher and organized in a way that they promote multiculturalism. The teacher should assist the students in building cultural identity and individual awareness within the

The power of optimism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The power of optimism - Essay Example One also realized that through personal experiences, as well as the experiences relayed by other people, there are valid supports to the contention that the power of optimism is real as it could open more opportunities that could lead to success. First and foremost, one affirms that I am an optimist, by nature. However, I am also a realist. In facing different situations, I assume a positive stance that everything would come out right. If they don’t, I believe that the challenges are made to be encountered to learn something new and good from them – thus, still making us better in the end. I have proven the power of optimism through the experience of my aunt. After a decade of productive career as a bank manager, she lost her job at the midst of a great financial strain since her husband had been diagnosed with diabetes and chronic kidney failure and they have six children to support. Fortunately, she was also an optimist. Rather than being depressed, anxious, and troubled, she sought to find other employment opportunities that would enable her to work at home and attend to both her husband’s and children’s needs. She acknowledged that since more opportunities are being made available through the online medium, she could use her skills in becoming a freelance writer. She eventually found a job as a freelance writer; doubled and even tripled her earnings, and was able to do everything without having to leave the comforts of their home. As such, the loss of one job was viewed, not as an end of a career; but as a blessing in disguise. Through the power of optimism, she did not lose hope in finding a more productive employment which enabled her to address their financial needs, the health requirements of her husband, and the educational support for their six children. Clearly, the power of optimism brings forth new